we help companiesthat are as involvedas we are.

To create an impact, we all have a part to play. Misteli has several expertises we can bring to the table. Everything you need to create a compelling message that gets your initiative going.

Our focus lies in four areas.
It’s where we can make a difference.


Clear strategic communication choices give organisations more distinctiveness, make their products and services more relevant and the relationship with their target groups more valuable.


Every story counts and deserves a distinctive and persuasive identity. We look for what is essential and create a powerful concept that engages, endures, and inspires.

Communicationand design

A beautiful visual identity fits you like a new coat. It fits exactly who you are. It defines your image. It strengthens your story. With a customized identity, you present yourself with pride and strengthen the cohesion within.

Change Engagement

We set up workshops, engage teams, and help organisations build the sustainability path with various inspiration meetings or the realisation of sustainability reports.