How do you get potential investors to buy into your mission and your organisation? We got to help Green Caravan with their second investment round, via the sharefunding platform Eyevestor.

In June 2024, Green Caravan and partners raised €1.3 million for the first large grid-independent charging hub for e-trucks in Europe. With this investment they embark on a mission to build fossil-free, grid-independent charging hubs in five locations throughout the Netherlands, powered by sh*t and sunshine. The subsidy marks the start of Green Caravan’s second investment round. Through the sharefunding platform Eyevestor, public and private investors can take their share in the energy transition. The goal is to achieve 250k in investments via Eyevestor.

Together with Green Caravan we developed the strategy, wireframe, and design for the new Eyevestor page. We identified the main message and the most important information. Then we determined the informational hierarchy to create a clear and powerful storyline.

In the next phase we translated the copy and information into images and infographics. This way the information remains readable and interesting. We designed the Eyevestor page in the Green Caravan visual identity (originally created by us) and created both an English and Dutch version. On the page potential investors can read about the current market problems, Green Caravan’s solutions, the organization’s future plans, and the development of fossil-free, off-grid charging plazas for e-trucks.

Do you want to join Green Caravan in making fossil-free charging the norm? Check it out here

Green Caravan